We’ve all been there. To hell and back that is.
We’ve all found ourselves caught in the throes of a new romantic connection that seemed so perfect in the beginning and then died out so suddenly that we were left reeling in the aftershocks and wondering what happened?
It usually goes something like this: We meet a man who seems so promising and full of potential in the beginning that we allow ourselves to get caught up in a whirlwind romance, one that has all the markings of a long term relationship.
He comes on like gangbusters, ardently pursuing and letting us know in a multitude of ways that he’s into us.
He calls, texts, drops by unexpectedly and makes no secret of the fact that he just can’t get enough of us.
In the early stages of a relationship like this it’s easy to get caught up in the moment. We start thinking ahead, looking at what a future with this person might be like and allowing ourselves to dive in head first.
Getting the Most From Your Psychic Reading
Let’s face it: there are a lot of bad psychics out there. Or a lot of bad people masquerading as psychics.
There are those who prey on the most vulnerable members of our society by either failing to tell them the truth (after all, they make a lot more money feeding into people’s fantasies), or telling them outright lies for the exact same reason.
The word “Psychic” comes from the Greek word psychikos and means “of the mind” or “of the psyche.” It does not refer to mind-reading or fortune telling or similar mind-blowing parlor tricks.
Unfortunately these are popular misconceptions, based on media mockery and the unscrupulous practices of some who use them to make a quick buck.
Psychic readings can be tremendously valuable, provided that you approach them with both an open mind and a healthy sense of logic. Be sure to read my article When Psychic Readings Fail for insight into the ways they might not be so valuable.
Soulmate Relationships: Finding Your Other Half
One of the questions I get asked most frequently as a psychic is “When will I meet my soulmate?”
The term “soulmate” is often used interchangeably with “other half” but they’re essentially the same thing.
The question of when is often followed by how (as in under what circumstances) when it really should be more along the lines of “What changes can I make in myself to become the best version of me so that I can attract the right partner into my life?”
Let’s face it, most of us are looking for someone to share our lives with.
And for those of us who haven’t yet found that perfect someone, the desire to do so can become the strongest motivating factor in our lives.
But if motivation alone were enough to create happily-ever-afters, none of us would ever have to worry about finding our other halves.